
“Sustainable Development in Practice”


January – June 2021 

Dr. Rachel Reckinger is a co-organiser and co-instructor alongside Harlan Koff and Julia Ros Cuellar on the course ‘Sustainable Development in Practise’. This course is part of the Masters in European Governance.  

This course introduces students to the most important themes and challenges related to sustainable development through interactive dialogue with development practitioners on different continents. The course puts students in touch with development actors who can present the day-to-day challenges that the conception and implementation of sustainable development policies present as well as the strategies utilized to overcome these issues. Through these exchanges, students are introduced to the main issues, concepts and theories in sustainable development.  

The course is organized around three sections. First, students will meet with the course instructors who will introduce the conceptual and methodological bases for research on development policy.  Students will receive background training and they will be prepared for participative learning once the exchanges with practitioners begin. The second part of the course will be composed of discussions with practitioners where students will have the opportunity to pose questions concerning the definition and implementation of sustainable development strategies. During the third and final part of the course, students will meet with instructors and their counterparts in order to discuss the most salient issues that arose during the discussions with practitioners. 

List of course speakers:

25/02 : 17:00-19:00 – Kapuscinski Lecture: Wanjira Mathai
11/03 : 16:00-17:30– Christopher Lilyblad, UNDP, Cap Vert
25/03 : 16:00-17:30– Sherie Simms, The Nature Conservancy, Yucatan, Mexico
14/04 : 16:00-17:30- Jeannot Behm and Daisy Warner, Commune d’Esch-sur-Alzette
22/04 : 14:00-15:30 – Claude Petit (co-founder of the CSA Krautgaart) and Annick Putz (coordinator of Luxembourg’s national network of CSAs) 
06/05 : 14:00-15:30– Francesco Ajena Policy Advisor, International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) 

Click here to read the rest of the course syllabus 

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