Spring meetings: Approvisionnement Régional Organisé pour une Meilleure Alimentation (AROMA)
16th February 2021
29th March 2021
19th April 2021
25th May 2021
Throughout the spring of 2021, AROMA (Approvisionnement Régional Organisé pour une Meilleure Alimentation) organised 4 online meetings. The Sustainable Food Practices team works on the AROMA project, which has the goal of improving the supply of local, quality foodstuffs in out-of-home catering. The meetings were held in German and French.
The four meetings are titled:
‘Quels impacts environnementaux, sociaux et économiques des systèmes d’alimentation durable ?’ (What are the environemntal, social and economic impacts of sustainable food systems?’) – 16th February 2021
‘Comment mieux acheter responsable en respectant les marchés publics ?’ (How to buy more responsibly, while respecting public procurement?’) – 29th March 2021
‘Les défis d’une alimentation durable en Grande Région : qu’appelle-t-on produits de qualité ?’ (The challenges of sustainable food in the Greater Region: what are quality products?’) – 19th April 2021
‘Comment vendre à la restauration hors domicile en Grande Région ? Quelles sont les règles à connaître ?’ (How to sell to the catering industry in the Greater Region? What are the rules to know?) – 25th May 2021
Session from March 29th – See the flyer here
This meeting, titled ‘Comment mieux acheter responsable en respectant les marchés publics?’ (How to buy more responsibly, while respecting public procurement’), was a round table session led by Yves Leroux, agronomist and professor at ENSAIA. The participants had a discussion concerning the European legal basis for public procurement and on the specificities and cross-border practices in several types of catering.
The roundtable included:
- Justine Chanoine – Lawyer at the Walonne cell of ‘Manger Demain’
- Nicole Le Brun – in charge of ‘RHD Restauration Hors Domicile’ at the Chambre d’Agriculture de Meurthe et Moselle
- Karolin Wolf – Project manager of ‘Régions pilotes de la Rhénanie-Palatinat : Manger ensemble de manière durable en favorisant la santé dans les crèches, les écoles et les cantines’, Centre de Services pour les zones rurales Westerwald-Osteifel
- Doris Fey – Bureau de Réseau restauration des crèches et des écoles in Rhénanie–Palatinat