Bio-Symposium Luxembourg: “True Cost Accounting”
Wednesday 13th November 2019
Dr. Rachel Reckinger attended the fifth Luxembourgish Bio-Symposium on the topic of ‘True Cost Accounting’, or the true cost of food. The symposium had almost 140 guests making it the most successful symposium thus far.
Guest speakers Prof Dr. Hartmut Vogtmann and Volkert Engelsman gave lectures on the topics: ‘The future model of organic farming: more than just another agricultural method’ and ‘What our food really costs’. In the afternoon there was a forum-style discussion, moderated by Camille Ney, and with participation from Carole Dieschbourg (Ministre de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable), Paulette Lenert (Ministre de la Protection des Consommateurs), Gerber Van Vliet (Representative of the Ministère de l’Agriculture) and Balnche Weber (Mouvement écologique).