Transition Days 2018: Our Food our Future
9th – 10th March 2018
Dr. Rachel Reckinger was a speaker at the participatory ‘fishbowl’ conference ‘Our Food for Future: de quelle Transition Alimentaire avons-nous besoin?’ as part of Transition Days.
The Transition Days weekend functioned as a laboratory, and brought together citizen consumers, farmers, researchers, entrepreneurs, associations and media to reflect on different ways of producing and consuming. It was initiated by the Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (CELL). The program included workshops, a project forum and the participatory conference, titled ‘Our Food our Future: De Quelle Transition Alimentaire avons-nous Besoin?’. The moderator was Bernward Geier, and speakers in the conference included Arnaud Daguin, Benedikt Härlin, Chantal Clément, Evelyne Stoll, Frank Adams, Jean-Michel Herbillon, Laurent Lebot, Linda Bedouet, Marie-Laure Mir, Pol Faber and René Mathieu.
Find the programme here
Following the event, Dr. Reckinger was invited to join the steering committee for ‘Our Food for Future’, which will be working to further anchor food policy issues on the political agenda. It was in this context that the idea of creating a national Food Policy Council for Luxembourg was first discussed in public.