Lecture: “Was haben mein Tofu-Burger und mein Rindersteak mit dem Klima zu tun”
Wednesday 2nd February 2022, 18:00-20:00
Dr. Rachel Reckinger gave a lecture titled ‘Was haben mein Tofu-Burger und mein Rindersteak mit dem Klima zu tun’ (What do my tofu burger and beef steak have to do with the climate?) at the University of Trier’s Lectures for Future. The event was both online and in-person in German.
In this lecture, Dr. Reckinger talked about the connections between climate and the food system with a focus on the consumer level, as well as on the systemic level of public institutions, labelling and sustainability education. In addition, she examined the agricultural and food policies. Lastly, the lecture addressed solutions as to how such a sustainable, socially just and ethical ideal can be practically achieved. Participatory approaches – such as food councils – play a fundamental role here, as they combine state action with market initiatives and innovations from civil society and research. Through community engagement, concrete projects for a systemic nutritional turnaround can be initiated and lived nutritional democracy can be implemented. So that both tofu burgers and beef steaks can be climate, environmentally and socially compatible.
To watch the recording of the lecture click here