Public Outreach

RTL  “Méi mat Manner”


RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg

9th June, 16th June, 30st June,
7th July, 14th July 2017, 19:00-19:25

Food sociologist Rachel Reckinger is assessing the everyday food practices of three household participating in a challenge on sustainable consumption (episode 1). Episode 2 to 4 concern the individual challenges and during the last episode, the food sociologist will comment on up the progress made.

View episode 1 (9th June 2017) on the assessment of everyday food practices:

View episode 2 (16th June 2017) on the challenge “Less packaging”:

View episode 3 (30th June 2017) on the challenge “Less food waste”:

View episode 4 (7th June 2017) on the challenge “Less convenience products”:

View episode 5 (14th July 2017) on the final challenge, a “sustainable picnic”:

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