Academic journal work
The Sustainable Food Practices team regularly engages in collaborative academic journal work. It encompasses elaborating special issues of academic journals with research colleagues from other Universities or writing joint scientific articles with international colleagues. Working with Editorial Boards, Chief Editors and other authors on aspects of the editorial process is part of this strand of work. It also includes producing special issues, providing manuscript assessment and peer review, commissioning and editing articles as well as contributing with original concepts to joint articles.
Such collaborations often run over an extended time period. For details of past and current collaborations, see the different posts below.
To see all the publications from the Sustainable Food Practices team, click here.
Special Edited Issue in Sociologia Ruralis on Values-based territorial food networks
June 2019 to January 2023
Dr. Rachel Reckinger hosted, together with Dr. Gusztáv Nemes (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) and Ass.-Prof. Veronika Lajos (University of Miskolc), three sessions about “Benefits, Challenges, Social Learning and Controversies around Local Food Systems” at the XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress “Rural futures in a complex world” (Trondheim, Norway, 25-28th June 2019). In a workshop with the authors of the presented high-level papers, we collaboratively outlined a future special issue, focusing not only on benefits, but also on structural and contextual issues that Civic Food Networks face in Europe and world-wide.
In the editorial, we will discuss common definitions of terminology and frame the understanding of ‘local’ and ‘scale’ and suggest some avenues for researchers’ transformative roles in this field.
The general orientation of the special issue will have a focus on ambivalences, dissonances, contradictions, but also opportunities for Local Food Systems/Alternative Food Networks/Civic Food Networks in a wide selection of countries (Hungary, Greece, Italy, SALSA-countries [in Northern, Eastern and South EU and in Africa], Luxembourg, Canada, Australia etc.).
Contributing chapters will focus on social learning, power and control, social movements, local economy, food security and community culture. The special issue in Sociologia Ruralis was published in January 2023.