Regional Quality Canteens
The Interreg project AROMA is an innovative cross-border food supply project in the Greater Region, focussing on proximity distribution circuits. The project is intended for buyers of out-of-home catering. Twenty partners from the provinces of Luxembourg (B), Rhineland-Palatinate, Sarre (D), Lorraine (F), and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (L) are engaged under the lead of the departmental board of Meurthe-et-Moselle (F). AROMA’s ambition is to structure a cross-border network of players in the agricultural and food sectors. The objective of the project is to promote the supply of quality local food products for out-of-home catering. Ultimately, it aims to create an operational procurement organisation covering the territory of the Greater Region, as well as to provide practical support for actors in the field. More specifically, AROMA bundles cross-border competences for the identification of actors within the food and agricultural sectors; for their mapping and localization in a geo-information system; for the quantitative analysis of food volumes and food flows and their logistics; for the qualitative identification of drivers, levers, and barriers; for the testing of tools and services; and for the networking of the local food supply actors in the Greater Region. In addition to comprehensive inventory and prognosis, the project aims at the development of tools and the testing of new forms of organization, as well as the establishment of a cross-border, cooperative organisation to supply the out-of-home catering with regional and quality food.
Here you can find useful resources on the out-of-home catering sector in the Greater Region, conducted studies and findings, online training workshops, networking aids as well as the prefiguration of the soon-to-be “plateforme transfrontalière d’approvisionnement AROMA”.
Dr. Rachel Reckinger directs the qualitative part of the project by supervising a PhD position that Ariane Fragnon has successfully applied for and has been working on since January 2019.
For more information and to subscribe to the AROMA newsletter (top right) visit this page: https://www.aroma-interreg.eu/
Project lead: Conseil départemental de Meurthe-et-Moselle (F)
Partner institutes: Conseil Départemental de Meurthe-et-Moselle, Conseil Départemental de la Moselle, Province de Luxembourg, Produits et Marchés de Pays, Chambre Agriculture de Meurthe-et-Moselle, Commune de Sanem, Citoyens & Territoires Grand Est, Geie Eco-Trans-Faire, Université de Lorraine, Parc Naturel De Gaume, Hochschule Trier/University of Applied Science, Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg, Agence pour l’entreprise et l’innovation, Gect Alzette Belval, Université du Luxembourg, Pôle Equilibre Rural – Cœur de Lorraine, Fondation Rurale de Wallonie, Alterinnov, Naturpark Mëllerdall.