

Bienvenue aux utilisateurs·trices de l’application Goodness Groceries ! 

Si vous avez des questions sur l’utilisation de l’application, l’étude, vos données, ou pour toute autre question, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Un membre de notre équipe vous répondra dans les plus brefs délais.

Vous pouvez nous contacter via le formulaire de contact ou à l’adresse

Autres contacts utiles pour l’étude Goodness Groceries :

Contact Form


    Contact Us

    Welcome App User!

    If you have any questions about using the app, the study, your data, or any further questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    You can contact us through the contact form or at

    Other useful contacts for the Goodness Groceries study:

    Contact Form

      Goodness Groceries – The sustainability app & study making food choices easy

      Latest news:

      You can no longer join the study, it closed on May 5th 2023.

      We thank all the participants for their interest!

      Goodness Groceries launched 13 October 2022. The study is open to those who shop at Pall Center in Oberpallen and Steinfort.

      NEW as of March 2023: You can now join without a Pall Center client card.


      Scroll down to ‘Join the study’ and follow the instructions to join.

      Goodness Groceries is a University of Luxembourg consumer study piloting a sustainable food shopping App in partnership with the Pall Center. The App acts as a virtual shopping companion providing eco-responsible and ethical product information of selected food products.

      Here you can find all you need to know about the app and study. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

      Join the Study:

      To sign up for the study you must complete the registration steps:

      1. Download the app from Play Store (android mobiles) or Apple Store (apple mobiles) and follow the instructions.
      2. After your experience, take 5 minutes of your time to give us your feedback and win 150€ in cash as a thank you for your participation. You will find the link for the feedback survey and the lottery in the App.


      If you have any questions regarding the study or the App contact us.

      This project is co-financed by:


      This is a pilot study at the University of Luxembourg in partnership with the Pall Center examining sustainable food shopping behaviour. The App has been developed by the University of Luxembourg who is the owner of this App.  

      The study has been approved by the university Ethics review panel: reference ERP 21-049 and reference ERP 23-005 GGAPP.  

      You may find out about the Goodness Groceries study in your local Pall Center or through other means.  

      In order to use the Goodness Groceries App, you need to download the App and follow the instructions. (As of February 2023, it is not necessary anymore to hold a Pall Center client card in order to join)

      You must be aged 18+ to join the study. 

      To sign up for the study you must complete the registration steps:

      1. Download the app from Play Store (android mobiles) or Apple Store (apple mobiles) and follow the instructions.
      2. After your experience, take 5 minutes of your time to give us your feedback and win 150€ in cash as a thank you for your participation. You will find the link for the feedback survey and the lottery in the App.


      If you have any questions regarding the study or the App contact us.

      The University of Luxembourg takes data protection very seriously and all studies are approved by a Research Ethics Committee who verify that the study meets the General Data Protection Regulation (  

      Should you have any questions about how we use your personal data in this study, please contact us or the University DPO.  

      Your data is processed only in line with the objectives of this study. 

      All data collected as part of this study are stored at the University of Luxembourg only and not shared with third parties. 

      When you join the study, you will be asked to fill in a short socio-demographic survey. This helps us understand the study population. 

      During the study you are anonymous. We cannot trace back any browsing or purchasing activities back to you. The app data collection tool collects browsing and scanning data anonymously. Under the tab “Profile” in the App, you will find a link to an anonymous user survey asking you a few short feedback questions about the App. The survey will only take 5 to 10 minutes of your time and your answers will allow the research team to assess the usefulness of the App.

      You download the App in the App store or Play Store on your mobile device.

      Once you have downloaded the app, follow the instructions on screen.

      If you have any questions regarding the study or the App contact us.

      The first time you use the App you will be asked to respond to a few short questions about your food shopping preferences. This helps us set up the App to your needs. These questions will only be asked once and not be shown again in subsequent visits.  

      No personal information is collected by the App, you are anonymous during the entire study. We cannot trace back any browsing or purchasing activities back to you. The app data collection tool collects browsing and scanning data anonymously. The sociodemographic survey we have designed is also anonymous. The user survey (you find the link under the tab “Profile” in the App) asking you a few short feedback questions about the App, is also completely anonymous.

      Goodness Groceries will contains a selection of products from Pall Center. These products are marked by a flyer with a QR code in-store. You will be able to scan this QR code using the app to see product information.  

      Each product supplier has agreed to take part in the study and has provided detailed product information on how the product meets sustainability indicators for each category. For more about information see the definitions.

      For each product there will also be a longer version of the product information which will sit on this website. This allows anyone who is interested to see the full product information.

      We may add new products to the App throughout the course of the study. If new products are added you will see an update available in the App Store or Google Play.

      You can browse or scan a product’s QR code in the shop to see product specific information.

      You can use the compare function to compare any of the same products that exists in different categories (e.g. local conventional flour, local organic flour, imported organic flour). 

      You can browse all product information anywhere and anytime and at your own pace.

      Under the tab “Profile” in the App, you will find a link to a short anonymous user survey asking you a few feedback questions about the App. The survey will only take 5 to 10 minutes of your time and your answers will allow the research team to assess the usefulness of the App.

      We are undertaking this study because we are keen to understand which areas of sustainability consumers in Luxembourg are interested in when it comes to food shopping, why they purchase certain products, and if providing sustainable product information to consumers via an app is helpful in making more informed choice when shopping. 

      Your information is valuable to us. Participation in academic studies can provide valuable research data in understanding which sustainability indicators are of importance to people and how technology can help people when making decisions about food. It can help to detect barriers that prevent consumers to make more sustainable food choices. 

      After the study, the collected data will be analysed and the results will be used academically, published as well as made accessible to decision-makers and the public. It will also stimulate further research.

      You can leave the study at any point by contacting us or by uninstalling the App from your phone.

      You do not need to provide a reason why you are leaving the study. 

      All the data you provided will be deleted once you leave the study. 

      The participation in the first study (accessible to owners of a Pall Center client card only) started in September 2022 and ended in January 2023.

      The participation in the second study – open to all interested people occasionally shopping in Pall Center (Oberpallen or Steinfort) with no need to own a client card – starts February 2023 and ends May 2023.

      You will be notified when the study has ended. 


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