Public Outreach

Exhibition All you can eat. Humans and their food


From October 2023 to July 2024

The Sustainable Food Practices team provided conceptual input and museological advice to the temporary exhibition All you an eat. Humans and their food at the Lëtzebuerg City Museum.

Their immersive and interactive infographic Food System Discovery. Actors and activities in Luxembourg is shown in the exhibition, for visitors to experiment at their leisure.

100,7 “Biotop”


26th October 2021, 11:10

100,7 Radio


woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Katzentisch statt Mitbestimmung”


30th September 2021

From October 2023 to July 2024

The Sustainable Food Practices team provided conceptual input and museological advice to the temporary exhibition All you an eat. Humans and their food at the Lëtzebuerg City Museum.

Their immersive and interactive infographic Food System Discovery. Actors and activities in Luxembourg is shown in the exhibition, for visitors to experiment at their leisure.

RTL television: De Magazin “Nohalteg Ernärung”


18th October 2021


Dr. Rachel Reckinger and Dr. Helena Korjonen were interviewed for the RTL magazin segment “Nohalteg Ernärung” (Sustainable Food). In the segment about food systems research done at the University of Luxembourg, the team presented the upcoming Goodness Groceries app for Sustainable Shopping.


woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Katzentisch statt Mitbestimmung”


30th September 2021


Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for woxx concerning the ongoing developments of a Food Policy Council in Luxembourg. In the interview she discussed the Bill of Law that has been put forward regarding the creation of Food Policy for Luxembourg including the creation of a Food Policy Council.


woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Katzentisch statt Mitbestimmung”


30th September 2021


Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for woxx concerning the ongoing developments of a Food Policy Council in Luxembourg. In the interview she discussed the Bill of Law that has been put forward regarding the creation of Food Policy for Luxembourg including the creation of a Food Policy Council.


woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Transformation des Ernährungssystems”


12th August 2021


Dr. Rachel Reckinger gave an interview for woxx newspaper on the topic of food sovereignty and food system transformation. In the interview she discusses Food Policy Councils and the role that they can have in the transitions towards these two goals, as well as their usual structure and goals, and their adaptability to the national scale in Luxembourg.


woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Zweckentfremdeter Rat”


5th August 2021


Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for woxx newspaper, along with Norry Schneider from CELL (Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg), concerning the ongoing development of the Food Policy Council (FPC) for Luxembourg.


Le Quotidien: “Conseils de politique alimentaire : un rôle-clé dans la démocratie”


3rd August 2021

Le Quotidien

Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for Le Quotidien newspaper concerning the ongoing development of the Food Policy Council (FPC) for Luxembourg.


TEDxUniversityofLuxembourg: ‘How to design a truly sustainable system in the context of climate change’


12th – 16th October 2020


Dr. Rachel Reckinger spoke at TEDxUniversityofLuxembourg 2020. The event was held online over five days and addressed the topic of climate change. Dr. Reckinger’s lecture was on during the evening session (from 18:30 – 20:00) on Thursday the 15th and included a Q&A.

The lecture raised the question of ‘How to design a truly sustainable food system in the context of climate change’, arguing that only a holistic focus on food systems and their sovereignty struggles leads to truly sustainable food transitions for communities in a context of climate change.


TV Broadcast: This is Europe. Special Common Agricultural Policy. Luxembourg: what kind of agriculture for tomorrow?


16th June 2020


In this session for TV, Dr. Rachel Reckinger presented her analysis of the agricultural, agri-food and societal model of the future. The session was recorded in French and English and is available online at France24 through the links on this page.


We want to support the substance of the debate 


20th April 2020



RTL “Reportage: Nohalteg Iessen an anengems d’Ëmwelt schützen”


1st June 2019

RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg


To the young people of Fridays for Future: Science supports you!


22nd May 2019

Statement of scientists at the University of Luxembourg to support the young people of Fridays for Future.


RTL  “Méi mat Manner”


9th June, 16th June, 30st June,
7th July, 14th July 2017, 19:00-19:25

RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg


RTL “Background”


25th March 2017, 12:00-13:00

RTL Radio

live from the Spring Break


100,7 “Dossier vum Dag”


23th November 2016, 07:20-08:20

100,7 Radio


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