‘Values-based territorial food networks. Qualifying sustainable and ethical transitions of alternative food networks’
September 2022
Dr. Reckinger published the article ‘Values-based territorial food networks. Qualifying sustainable and ethical transitions of alternative food networks’ in the journal ‘Regions & Cohesion’. The article provides a comparative literature review of local food systems, short food supply chains, and civic food networks, subsumed under alternative food networks (AFN), suggests converging them into the novel umbrella-term values-based territorial food networks (VTFN). Based on the analysis of specificities and shortcomings in the four concepts, VTFN aims to enhance conceptual clarity, while the current coexistence conceals structural and systemic commonalities—relevant for understanding pathways to ethical and sustainable food system transformations.
‘Exploring Priorities of a Food Policy Council for Luxembourg’
February 2022
Anna Pax and Dr. Rachel Reckinger published a report titled ‘Exploring Priorities of a Food Policy Council for Luxembourg’. The report is based on the results of two surveys with the Luxembourgish population on the topic of the establishment of a Food Policy Council in Luxembourg, and presents and analyses the key trends about the interests and concerns that Luxembourgish citizens and food system professionals have concerning the creation of an FPC.
woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Katzentisch statt Mitbestimmung”
30th September 2021
Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for woxx concerning the ongoing developments of a Food Policy Council in Luxembourg. In the interview she discussed the Bill of Law that has been put forward regarding the creation of Food Policy for Luxembourg including the creation of a Food Policy Council.
woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Transformation des Ernährungssystems”
12th August 2021
Dr. Rachel Reckinger gave an interview for woxx newspaper on the topic of food sovereignty and food system transformation. In the interview she discusses Food Policy Councils and the role that they can have in the transitions towards these two goals, as well as their usual structure and goals, and their adaptability to the national scale in Luxembourg.
woxx: “Ernährungssouveränität: Zweckentfremdeter Rat”
5th August 2021
Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for woxx newspaper, along with Norry Schneider from CELL (Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg), concerning the ongoing development of the Food Policy Council (FPC) for Luxembourg.
Le Quotidien: “Conseils de politique alimentaire : un rôle-clé dans la démocratie”
3rd August 2021
Dr. Rachel Reckinger was interviewed for Le Quotidien newspaper concerning the ongoing development of the Food Policy Council (FPC) for Luxembourg.
Luxembourg in Transition – Second report
17th May 2021
Dr. Rachel Reckinger is part of the ‘LUXEMBOURG 2050: Prospects for a regenerative city-landscape’ team of Luxembourg in Transition (LiT). The team published the report for phase 2 in spring of 2021. LiT is working towards ‘spatial visions for the zero-carbon and resilient future of the Luxembourg functional region’ (LiT website). Read more about the publication, and access the report itself here.
Luxembourg in Transition – First report
4th January 2021
Dr. Rachel Reckinger is part of the ‘LUXEMBOURG 2050: Prospects for a regenerative city-landscape’ team of Luxembourg in Transition (LiT). The team – including the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (CELL), Institut fir Biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur asbl (IBLA) and the Office for Landscape Morphology (OLM) – recently published the Phase 1 report for LiT. LiT is working towards ‘spatial visions for the zero-carbon and resilient future of the Luxembourg functional region’ (LiT website). Read more about the publication by clicking on more.
Food Governance durch Qualitätszertifizierungen
The team of Sustainable Food Practices, Dr. Rachel Reckinger, Dr. Diane Kapgen, and Dr. Maria Helena Korjonen, co-wrote and published the chapter ‘Food Governance durch Qualitätszertifizierungen’ (‘Food Governance via Labelling Schemes’) in Godeman and Bartelmeß’ book Ernährungskommunikation. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit.
The resourcefulness of Luxembourg’s food system as put to the test by the Coronavirus lock-down
September 2020
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published the chapter ‘The resourcefulness of Luxembourg’s food system as put to the test by the Coronavirus lock-down’ in The Ends of Humanities – Volume 2: Self and Society in the Corona Crisis. Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences.
‘Constructions Contestées et contrastées de la notion de terroir: Symbolique Politique, Savoir Scientifique, Typicité Culturale et Culturelle’
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published ‘Constructions contestées et contrastées de la notion de terroir. Symbolique Politique, Savoir Scientifique, Typicité Culturale et Culturelle’ in Terroir viticole. Espace et figures de qualité.
Reprise de la saisonalité via la régionalité
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published ‘Reprise de la saisonalité via la regionalité’ in L’alimentation au fil des saisons. La saisonnalité des pratiques alimentaires.
Food Sovereignty and Resilience in Luxembourg
July 2020
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published an article in Forum about food sovereignty and resilience in the Luxembourgish foodscape in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The article brings to light the ways in which even the wealthiest of Western European food-secure countries can be vulnerable to food shortages, and the weaknesses of over-reliance on export markets. Dr. Reckinger highlights the ways in which, moving forward, Luxembourg can work towards a sustainable and resourceful food system that is both ecologically regenerative, economically localised, and engaging a wide range of people across food systems.
Keyword – Food Democracy
July 2020
Dr. Rachel Reckinger and Norry Schneider co-authored an article for Forum, discussing a Food Policy Councils, which have become increasingly popular in European cities and certain regions over the past decade. More specifically Reckinger and Schneider (from CELL, the Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg) have initiated the creating of the first food policy council at a national level, in Luxembourg.
An Infographic Synopsis of Luxembourg’s Food System
July 2020
The team of Sustainable Food Practices, Dr. Rachel Reckinger, Dr. Diane Kapgen, and Dr. Helena Korjonen published their infographic synopsis of the Luxembougish food system in Forum. The visual depiction aims to unravel its complexity, and avoid the downfalls of simpler depictions, which focus more directly on key actors and may often overlook actors in the broader foodscape.
Brennpunkt: “We want to support the substance of the debate”
20th April 2020
Dr. Rachel Reckinger, Dr. Diane Kapgen and Dr. Helena Korjonen were interviewed in Brennpunkt. Read the interview (in French) on strengthening the political agenda of climate change and its effect, e.g. environmental degradation, social inequality, as well as sustainability issues in local and regional development. Read also how we address the challenges that affect research and teaching at the University of Luxembourg.
‘Proposal of a Principle cum Scale Analytical Framework for Analysing Agroecological Development Projects’
12th February 2020
Dr. Diane Kapgen co-wrote and published ‘Proposal of a Principle cum Scale Analytical Framework for Analysing Agroecological Development Projects’, for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems with Laurence Roudart.
‘Converging Terroir Typicity for Political Usage and Didactic Normativity. The Metonymical Institutionalization of Wine in Luxembourg’
December 2019
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published ‘Converging Terroir Typicity for Political Usage and Didactic Normativity: The Metonymical Institutionalization of Wine in Luxembourg’ in A History of Wine in Europe, 19th to 20th Century: Volume II: Markets, trade and the Regulation of Quality.
To the young people of Fridays for Future: Science supports you!
22nd May 2019
Statement of scientists at the University of Luxembourg to support the young people of Fridays for Future.
‘Paths to Food Democracy’ (Wege zur Ernährungsdemokratie)
23rd – 24th January 2019
Dr. Rachel Reckinger and Norry Schneider co-wrote and published ‘Wege zur Ernährungsdemokratie. Rückblick auf den 2. Vernetzungskongress der Ernährungsräte in Frankfurt’(Paths to Food Democracy: Review of the 2nd Networking Congress of Nutrition Councils in Frankfurt) in Transition Luxembourg Magazine Ö.
‘Social Change for Sustainable Localized Food Sovereignty: Convergence between Prosumers and Ethical Entrepreneurs’
1st December 2018
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published ‘Social Change for Sustainable Localized Food Sovereignty: Convergence between Prosumers and Ethical Entrepreneurs’ in Sociologica del Lavoro.
‘Situative Interdisciplinarity: Empirical Reflections on Ten Years of Cross-Disciplinary Research’
November 2018
Dr. Rachel Reckinger and Dr. Christian Wille published ‘Situative Interdisciplinarity: Empirical Reflections on Ten Years of Cross-Disciplinary Research’ in the Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
‘Diet and Public Health Campaigns: Implementation and Appropriation of Nutritional Recommendations in France and Luxembourg’
1st May 2017
Dr. Rachel Reckinger and Dr. Faustine Régnier published ‘Diet and Public Health Campaigns: Implementation and Appropriation of Nutritional Recommendations in France and Luxembourg’ in Appetite journal.
‘Vinophilie’ published in Muselchronik 1992-2006
November 2016
Dr. Rachel Reckinger published ‘Vinophilie: Die zunehmende Kulturalisierung von Weinkonsum’ (Vinophilia: The increasing culturalization of wine consumption) in the second volume of Muselchronik 1992-2006.
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