“Sustainable Development in Practice”

Lectures "Sustainable Development in Practice"   January – June 2021  Dr. Rachel Reckinger is a co-organiser and co-instructor alongside Harlan Koff and Julia Ros Cuellar on the course ‘Sustainable Development in Practise’. This course is part of the Masters in European Governance.   This course introduces students to the most important themes and challenges related to sustainable development through interactive … Continued

Publications – LiT report

Publications Luxembourg in Transition – First report    4th January 2021  Dr. Rachel Reckinger is part of the ‘LUXEMBOURG 2050: Prospects for a regenerative city-landscape' team of Luxembourg in Transition (LiT). The team – including the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (CELL), Institut fir Biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur … Continued

Events – INFINO conference

Events INFINO Conference: ‘How to build a resilient and sustainable food system?’   Tuesday 9 March 2021, 17.30-19.30 Dr. Rachel Reckinger participated in the INFINO (Initiativ fir Nohaltegkeet – Initiative for sustainable development) online conference: Towards a resilient and sustainable food system. The event was in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg and the Council … Continued

Publications – Food Governance durch Qualitätszertifizierungen

Publications Food Governance durch Qualitätszertifizierungen   2021 The team of Sustainable Food Practices, Dr. Rachel Reckinger, Dr. Diane Kapgen, and Dr. Maria Helena Korjonen, co-wrote and published the chapter ‘Food Governance durch Qualitätszertifizierungen’ (‘Food Governance via Labelling Schemes’) in Godeman and Bartelmeß’ book Ernährungskommunikation. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit. Abstract: In diesem Beitrag wird … Continued

“Sustainable food systems and the governance role of civil society”

Events "Sustainable food systems and the governance role of civil society multi-stakeholder initiatives"   15th October 2020 Dr. Rachel Reckinger gave this lecture as part of Professor Dr. Harlan Koff's course, 'International Development, Sustainability and Policy Coherence'. Abstract: What is a food system – and a sustainable one on top of it? This lecture will … Continued

“European Union Food Systems”

Lectures “European Union Food Systems – how Luxembourg can innovate with governance pathways”   30th September 2020 Dr. Rachel Reckinger gave this lecture as part of Professor Dr. Harlan Koff’s course, ‘Regionalisms in World Politics’. Abstract: Contemporary food systems in developed countries have proven to be largely unsustainable: apart from providing food security and food … Continued

“Food Supply Chains and Safety”

Lectures "Food Supply Chains and Safety: Impact of Covid-19 and Aftermath"   24th June 2020, 17:00-18:00 In this webinar, Dr. Rachel Reckinger, Jack A. Bobo (CEO of Futurity)  and Georges Eischen (CEO of La Provençale) discussed the impact of Covid-19 on food supply chains and safety. Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit us, we worried … Continued

“Einführung in die Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie”

Lectures “Einführung in die Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie”   17th May 2017 Dr. Rachel Reckinger presented ‘Von den Food Studies zur Food Literacy: Eine engagierte Reise durch die kulturanthopologische Erforschung der gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhänge des Essens’ (From Food Studies to Food Literacy: A Journey through cultural-anthropological research into the social context of food) at the ‘Einführung in … Continued

“Science and Citizens meet Challenges”

Lectures "Systemic analysis of the sustainability transition in Luxembourg’s foodscape. Methodological and theoretical framework"   23rd April 2020 17:15-18:30 Sustainable Food Practices gave a lecture in the course programme of ‘Science and Citizens meet Challenges of Sustainability (SCCS)’ run Dr. Ariane König at the University of Luxembourg. Dr. Rachel Reckinger, Dr. Diane Kapgen and Dr. … Continued


Research Projects Fostering the Urban food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation (FUSILLI)   FUSILLI is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project. Its general aim is to support the participating pan-European cities (and their peri-urban areas) with the aim of addressing the challenges of food system transformation through strong cooperation for knowledge sharing and mutual … Continued

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